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gate keeper中文是什么意思

用"gate keeper"造句"gate keeper"怎么读"gate keeper" in a sentence


  • 地球守护者
  • 看门人;门警;门卫
  • 平交道看守栅工


  • The gate keepers are not tigers , why
  • While some of the students stopped the traffic , the boys carried the man to the school gate keeper ' s room
  • Descending the celestial capital peak westwards , travelers go through the immortal gate keeper cave with vivid peach - resembling rock formations on the cave , pass crucian carp peak formed during the glacial period and cross the heavenly bridge where the sea exploring pine stands
    在天都峰的西侧往下走,人们要依次经过“仙人把洞门” ,鲫鱼背和天桥, “仙人把洞门”上有形状如桃花的岩石,天桥鲫鱼松形成于冰川时期,天桥上生长有探海松。
  • Therefore , one can not claim to have been to the yellow mountains without reaching the celestial capital peak . descending the celestial capital peak westwards , travelers go through the immortal gate keeper cave with vivid peach - resembling rock formations on the cave , pass crucian carp peak formed during the glacial period and cross the heavenly bridge where the sea exploring pine stands
    在天都峰的西侧往下走,人们要依次经过“仙人把洞门” ,鲫鱼背和天桥, “仙人把洞门”上有形状如桃花的岩石,天桥鲫鱼松形成于冰川时期,天桥上生长有探海松。
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